Busy Days

It’s been 7 months since my last post! Time flew by me without letting me catch up! Alot has happened during that time and I plan to do a better job at keeping this fun blog updated.
My daughter and I have joined Girl Scouts and it’s been an amazing adventure. I’m an official Troop Leader! Never would I have picked that role for me, I’m not an “outdoorsy” person nor  a “sing a long” to campfire tunes kinda gal but here I am and loving it! It took having a little girl of my own to bring it out! It’s part of that “girls can do anything” mentality that I want to teach her.
The school year is almost over, with summer right around the corner. Our kids are another year towards independence. 
Our 16 year old Noah started his first job last month and our 13 year old Ethan will be traveling to Israel next month with his Dad for his Bar Mitvah!
Our 15 year old Gerald will be able to get his driver’s permit in August while our second oldest Devon graduates High School in a few weeks. Whew, what else?!
Hubby is out traveling Europe for work and I’m holding down the fort and counting the days till I can sip margaritas on my porch in the summer sunsets!
I’ll make sure to keep you informed!
Happy May Days!!