Run Disney Tinkerbell Marathon 2017

This past Mother’s Day weekend I was able to participate in a RunDisney event for the first time! It was on my bucket list to do but after experiencing it I can now say it has become a hobby! I had the best time and it was a perfect way to spend Mother’s Day.

I signed up my 9 year old daughter along with myself to run the Neverland 5k. I figured that would be the less strenuous race for us since we are beginners. The race starts at 5am but you have to arrive at the park by 4am. My poor daughter caught the stomach flu and couldn’t run so I went alone. She was really bummed but I told her to rest up so she could go to California Adventure Park later that day.

I was in for a treat! I LOVED how everyone (thousands) showed up in full costume including those young and old. The nerd in me was geeking out and the competitor in me said I need to step my costume game up! Seeing the Magic Castle in the early morning was such an amazing experience and running thru the parks was breathtaking! I loved the motivation families had to cheer their little ones on as they ran thru the race. Even having the bystanders cheer you on as you pass by was motivating!

I was able to finish the race in 45 minutes (which I felt great about but also sad because it was over) and earned my first RunDisney medal. Let me tell you I am now hooked! I’ve already started planning our next race which will be the Star Wars Marathon in January 2018!! That gives me 8 months to perfect our costumes!!!

All in all, it was the best weekend and I got to spend it with my sister and nephew too! Happy Mother’s Day to all you hard working, passionate moms out there!!


Julien Joshua turns 21

I can’t believe this day is here! My baby boy turns 21 today, he’s a true grown adult now. I know us moms always say “it seems like yesterday ” but seriously it really does. 

I remember being pregnant and doing my best to eat healthy, even giving up my beloved coffee and wine. I had cravings for pickles, salsa and hummus. I enjoyed buying maternity clothes and especially baby clothes. 

I remember your birth day and how I couldn’t wait to meet you. How nothing helped ease the contractions, my birth plan went straight out the window! I begged the doctor to finally give me an epidural! ( I stated in my plan that I only want a natural birth with no pain meds) I was in heaven after that! Lol! And when you finally came into the world I cried with pure happiness. I never knew a love as powerful as that. Motherhood is the most beautiful thing in the world.

Since that day, I’ve watched and helped you grow into a curious boy, loving brother and now a grown adult. You love to explore and try new things and I love that about you. 

I cherish all my memories and pray we create new ones together as we grow older. You will always be my special one because you were my first. First hug, first baby kiss, first tooth, first lost tooth, first step, first day of school, first graduation, first college….
I Love you forever, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be…

❤️ mommy 

Treasure Tuesdays: Shutterfly

One of my favorite websites on the planet is Shutterfly! I use it to order photos, calendars, mugs or anything they can muster up. They also host Share Sites that I use for my Girl Scout troop to communicate with parents and ask for event sign ups. It’s a perfect and safe place for them to upload photos and ask questions pertaining to our troop.

I have been ordering a Memory Book from Shutterfly for the past 3 years. It’s a wonderful way for me to save all of Olivia’s adventures with Girl Scouts. We can then take it out from time to time and relive all the things we did.

Every month or so, they have discounts or member freebies, take advantage of those! I love personalized luggage tags, mouse pads or large prints. Enjoy your memory making!


Graduation Year 2016

It’s been a whole year since I posted to this blog. It’s been a bit busy. I went back to work full time, husband has been at home recovering from foot surgery and taking care of the Homefront. 2 of our boys graduated High School and Olivia passed 2nd grade. So many blessings and reasons to be thankful!

I’m thankful for Gerald being able to participate in all his Senior events including Prom, Grad Night, Senior Beach Day and the grad parties. He’s been working part time all year as well as balancing his school work, he graduated with an awesome report card too! So proud of this kid.

This summer is another blessing because we are able to take the kids to Disneyland and Universal Studios before school starts. We can’t wait!!!

The house is getting quieter as the kids grow up, graduate and move on to their own lives. We may need to add some pets to keep us busy and the house noisy!

Olivia receiving her 3rd award and with her teacher Ms. Caley.

Gerald’s Graduation Day and Brunch

All in all it’s been a great school year! I really am one blessed mom!!!

Back to School 2015

Our babies began another year of school this month! Gerald started his last year of High School, he is officially a Senior and Olivia started 2nd grade! Ethan will begin his Freshman year of HS at the end of August. I’m so excited to see how this year will play out. We have soccer, wrestling and football, Girl Scout cookies and ballet lessons. Many memories to make and milestones to reach. So proud of my kids for their enthusiasm and determination to make every moment count in their daily lives. Guess I need to make sure I keep up! 😊 



It’s Our Anniversary 

When you’re young, you have a certain belief about life that you will grow up, get married, have a family and grow old together. You don’t think that it may not turn out that way. I was blessed with a marriage that produced 3 beautiful sons but not the longevity. When that union dissolves, you think never again will I marry or be in love again but you do. At least for me that was true. The old saying goes, when you’re not looking for love it fill find you and it did. 

I met my love at a time when it was perfectly aligned for us to meet. He had been married before and had 4 handsome boys. He lived in the same town although we never crossed paths before. I truly believe we were meant to meet at the time we did. We were able to appreciate one another, respect one another and admire each other as a fellow parent and friend. We had so much in common but yet could still show each other something new. We knew we would marry and we did. We blended our families and also welcomed a baby girl into the world. 

Let me just say it’s not easy! Marriage the second time around especially with kids is not always bliss but it’s wonderful! I know that I have a partner for life, a best friend and the best father for our kids. When we married 8 years ago, I took those vows seriously and knew they would be the last time I said them. I will grow old with him and have grandkids with him. We will never be apart for too long and we will help each other grow spiritually and emotionally. We will always put each other first and show each other appreciation. At the end of the day, he’s the one I want to see before I close my eyes and when I wake up.

Thank you to my husband Marc for showing me love can happen for the second time and make it feel like the first! You give me life, laughter, comfort, protection and peace. You are my King and Best Friend. 

Happy Anniversary❤️



Happy Father’s Day Daddy!

The perfect description of my husband is defined in the English Dictionary under Superman! It says ” a man with exceptional physical or mental ability”. I can also add charm, charisma, intelligence, street savvy, athleticism , humbleness  and so much more. I love watching him with our kids, our nephews and nieces and family friends, he seems to be the Pied Piper of our family. Everyone gravitates to him. He can be strict, he doesn’t want our kids to be little spoiled brats and he knows how to let them know they are loved even when it’s time to discipline. He tries his best to be at every wrestling match, soccer practice or basketball game. He cheers them on thru struggles and victories. He can cuddle on the couch to watch a Disney movie with our daughter and find time to challenge the boys on Call Of Duty. I’m amazed everyday as I witness his daddy powers and I adore seeing him grow with our kids. Parenting is such a challenge but the rewards are phenomenal. I thank G-d each evening for bringing him into my life and I look forward to seeing him with our future grandkids. I love you Marc, my husband, best friend and Super Dad. You make it look so easy! Happy Father’s Day!



Family Movie Review: Pixar’s Inside Out

I’m not gonna lie, when I first saw clips of this movie 6 months ago, I wasn’t too excited to see it. I mean, really? A movie about voices in your head? But as June came closer and I saw a few more trailers, I thought this could be pretty cool. Today was opening day, so my sister and I decided to take our 7 & 5 year old to see it. Oh What Fun!!! I seriously fell in love with this movie!

Inside Out is about a young girl named Riley and the “emotions” that help shape her into the beautiful person she is. As a parent, you always want your kids to have the happiest, most joyful memories. We try not to let them experience too many moments of sadness, anger or fear. But we learn that those emotions help shape us too. We need each of them to have a full, loving and beautiful life.

I love the way they taught this to my daughter as well as myself. As her mom, I remembered she needed to have experience in each of these feelings to grow. She understood why Riley was acting or feeling a certain way and in some scenes she could identify as having those feelings herself. I have to admit, I cried. How does Disney do that all the time?! Maybe because as a mom, I can see both sides to the story: Life as a kid ( I have the Peter Pan syndrome) and life as a worried, tired, happy, proud parent.

I adored this film and plan to see it again. Its a perfect way to spend a hot summer day with your family. I know Dads will love it too!



Ethan’s 8th grade Promotion 2015

Today my youngest son Ethan graduated from Junior High! I had been looking forward to this day since the beginning of the school year! I watched him over the years look up to his brothers as they reached this milestone and knew he couldn’t wait for it to be his turn. He’s not the scholarly type like his brother Noah or the big popular guy on campus like his older brother Julien but he held his own. He’s the sweetheart, the athletic one, the daredevil and the optimistic one! He’s his own man and has always walked to the beat of his own drum. I think that’s what I love about him the most. He doesn’t define or categorize himself into anything but just who he is. I’m so proud of all he achieved this year and his plan as he enters his Freshman year. He’ll be on the school football team like his oldest brother but he has already made a name for himself. He’ll be known as just Ethan and not as Noah or Julien’s little brother! I love that! So son, as you venture into the next 4 years of High School, remember that you are loved for just the way you are and that You matter. Your presence counts and you will succeed! I’m so thankful I get to witness it! Cheers to a great four years ahead! I love you son!